Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Now almost every body is talking about a mid-term parliamentary election.In this connection I humbly invite kind attention of the esteemed readers to an interview with me published in THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS DAILY dated November 22,2005.Please read the same:-
“Manmohan Singh will not complete full term”
Will Manmohan Singh's Ministry complete its term
at the centre or crumble under its own weight?Thisi is
the first question one might put to to a numerologist.

According to M.K.Damodaran,
a numerologist from kannur,there is MK.Damodaran's earlier
little chance that Singh will complete predictions included Bush
his full term -his fall is preordained. emerging victorious, Jayalalithaa resigning
“With added footage from identical after assuming charge
events,crucial happenings and fundamental as chief minister and Vajpayee
changes which occur within a uniform period having the last laugh in the
of time,things are going to be worse for Tehelka episode. His findings
Manmohan Singh.He will resign on the influence of number 13
and a new ministry will be formed after the 2007 on Vajpayee have been
general election,”says Damodaran widely discussed
While analysing events that occurred at
an interval of 9 years or multiples like 18,27,36, it
is possible to deduce that the most dramatic
events happened at these times.
To make his claim more convincing , he brings
in two examples. Indira Gandhi became the prime
minister in 1966.After 9 years, that is in 1975,she
declared Emergency.In 1984,she was assassinated. The
BJP was formed in 1980. A BJP supported
government came to power after 9 years under V.P Singh in
1989.In 1998, they formed a government at the centre.
Now he comes to the prophecy.
“After the 1977 general election, certain incidents
occurred in the country that reshaped the polity.

Such incidents were likely after the 2004 general
election also” claims Damodaran. Here he brings in his
numerological angle of thought.
“Between these elections is a time gap of 27 years
(2+7=9) and they show certain similarities. First
both these elections gave a rude shock to the ruling party.
Second, the government formed after the election
had the support of the CPM”.
Morarji Desai was the prime minister in 1977
Manmohan Singh became prime minister
in 2004.
These two prime ministers' names begin with the letter
'M'.Morarji was India's 5 th PM.Manmohan is India's
14th PM. Adding 1 and 4 we get number 5.The fact
is there seems to be significance to the period of 9 years..
This means that there will be an election in 2007
, the last in the series being in 1998.
M.K. Damodaran a native of Edayannur in Kannur
district is a government employee.He has been pursuing
numerology passionately for the past 13 years.
Many of his predictions and findings , which were
published in Express,have come true.
His earlier predictions included Bush emerging victorious
, Jayalalithaa resigning after assuming charge as Chief
Minister and Vajpayee having the last laugh in the Tehelka
episode .His findings on the influence of number 13
on Vajpayee have been widely discussed.


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