Sunday, April 5, 2009


Velupillai Pirapaharan (Prabhakaran) --- a Hero or a big Zero?
Wed, 2007-08-15 05:14
Predicted by M.K.Damodaran., Numerologist, Kerala,, India

Kannur, Kerala, 15 August, ( Numerologist M.K.Damodaran of Kerala,, India has predicted that, based on his calculations, Prabhakaran, can never get his Eelam. However, with 8 as his powerful number he can be a “twinkling star” if he turns to peace. If not, he will end up taking the cyanide capsule. Damodaran notes that though 8 is Pirapaharan's presiding number he is morbidly scared of this number. He also notes that Karuna’s number is also 8.
The other option is to accept the negative attributes of Saturnian's 8 and get killed by his associates driven by desperation.

Damodaran also notes that though 8 is his presiding number he is morbidly scared of this number. He also notes that Karuna’s number is also 8.

He adds that Prabhkaran “will face more threats from his own camp than outside.”

Here is the full reading of Prabhkaran by Damodaran:

Findings in a nutshell:

1. The assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was astonishingly associated with the significant numbers of Velupillai Pirapaharan.

2. The assassination of former Sri Lankan President Premadasa was also amazingly linked to Pirapaharan's prominent numbers.

3. Both the assassinations were precisely executed within a period perfectly connected with his numbers.

4. Pirapaharan is unlikely to be captured or killed by Sri Lankan forces. So, he is unlikely to don the mantle of a martyr-hero.

5. Possibility of carving out a separate Tamil Eelam is far remote.

6. Pirapaharan will face more threats from his own camp than from outside.

7. So, he has only two options:-

a) Turn a new leaf, eschew violent path, preach world peace and ensure his permanent place among the most glittering stars, like King Asoka, in the milky way of history.

This is not at all a utopian idea. Because, his mighty 8 represents the extreme attributes- the most mystical and the worst villainous. Thus the holder of this number can successfully control the prevailing conditions and turn the tide in his favor-provided, of course, he is determined. No doubt, Pirapaharan with the most enviable will power can effect a fundamental change.Pirapaharan is unlikely to be captured or killed by Sri Lankan forces. So, he is unlikely to don the mantle of a martyr-hero.
b) Persist in the Present stand, get detested and deserted by his close Tigers, as Karuna and others. (Incidentally, Karuna's name number is 8) In that case, he is likely to commit suicide.

c) Accept the negative attributes of Saturnian’s 8 and get killed by his associates driven by desperation.

Detailed prediction:-

In my numerological research spanning over a period of 20 years and covering many well known personalities from Numero Uno Bill Clinton to Number 9 Glen MacGrath. I have found that the birth number, name number (occult number) and fate number of an individual immensely influence the scheme of things in his or her life.

My findings and predictions have been published on the basis of the feedback connected with the above numbers.

In this connection I would like to tell the esteemed readers of the ‘Asian Tribune‘ that I am an amateur in this field, that I don't claim to have any divine power- except that I have unalloyed faith in God !

Frankly, Pirapaharan's case is the hardest nut to crack and the most mysterious.

Mighty eight:-

First of all, let us consider his birth number 8. He was born on November 26, 1956. All persons born on 8, 17 or 26 of any month have birth number 8. Number 8 symbolizes two extreme positions- that is, potentially positive and extremely negative.

A person with the attributes of positive 8 will be highly philosophical and saintly. On the contrary, an individual influenced by negative eight will be dastardly dangerous.

Briefly speaking, a number 8 person can be a Budhist renouncing the pleasures of the mundane world or a red-hot revolutionary or an absolute anarchist. Normally, there is no middle path for them. However, in both cases, number 8,persons are normally found to be lonely in their innermost heart.

They are not bothered about what others say.

Is Pirapaharan Afraid of Number 8 ?

A journalist friend of mine, working with the 'Indian Express' had once told me that Pirapaharan has a morbid fear of number 8. He claimed to have known this from
the Time Magazine.

Interestingly, as far as I know, no major execution was made by the LTTE, that has connections with number 8.Pirapaharan will face more threats from his own camp than from outside
His Fate Number is 4

Pirapaharan was born on 26.11.1956. Adding the entire numbers, 2+6+1+1+1+9+5+6=31. Now, 31 gives 4 by addition (3+1=4).So, his fate number is 4. Remember, 4 doubled are 8!

His name number:

He is known as VELUPILLAI PIRAPAHARAN and VELUPILLAI PRABHAKARAN. So, both names are taken into account.

The name Velupillai carries the occult number 1 as worked out below.

v+e+l+ u+p+i+ l+ l+ a+I =6+5+3+6+8+1+3+3+1+1 =37

Thirty seven gives ten by addition (3+7=10)
Further, ten makes one by the same process(1+0=1)

Pirapaharan bears the name number 8, as furnished below.

P+i+ r+a+p+a+h+a+ r+a+n
= 8+1+2+1+8+1+5+1+2+1+5

Thirty five makes eight (3+5=8)

Prabhakaran holds the occult number 3 as shown below.

= 8+2+1+2+5+1+2+1+2+1+5
= 30 (3+0=3)

Significance of double numbers:

Velupillai is 1 and Pirapaharan is 8. So Velupillai Pirapaharan is 18 (1+8=9) . Since Prabhakaran is 3, Velupillai Prabhakaran is 13 (1+3=4).

The occult significance of double numbers 18 and 13 will be elaborated more.

He is a Sagittarian:-

The period from November 21 to December 20 belongs to the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. Being born on November 26, Pirapaharan is a Sagittarian. Lord of the sign Sagittarius is Jupiter, Number of Jupiter is 3.

Birth Place also significant!Thus, we have seen that numbers 3,4 and 8 are prominent in Pirapaharan's life.
He was born at VALVETITURAI . Significantly, this place has name number 40, which adds up to 4.

v+a+ l+ v+e+ t+ i+t+ u+r+a+ i
=6+1+3+6+ 5+4+1+4+6+2+1+1

Numbers 3, 4 and 8:-

Thus, we have seen that numbers 3,4 and 8 are prominent in Pirapaharan's life.

Letters and names to be considered:-

Let us consider the alphabets- L,S,T,P and V which has significance in Pirapaharan's life. The occult numbers of these alphabets are 3,3,4,8 and 6 (2x3=6) respectively.

Now, consider these names



EELAM= 5+5+3+1+4=18

TAMIL EELAM=4+1+4+1+3+5+5+3+1+4=31

It is very important to see that the occult number of names -Sri Lanka, Eelam and Velupillai Pirapaharan is 18.

Numbers 1 and 8 are mutual enemies. So, number 18 is a dangerous number.

Number 18 signifies anarchy, upheaval, tyranny, war, revolution and bloodshed.

Rajiv Gandhi's Assaination

The assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was associated with Pirapaharan's numbers 3 and 4.

Firstly, Rajiv was assassinated on May 21 (Two plus one gives 3) (2+1=3)

Secondly, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in the month of May, which is the fifth month from January. See, number 5 added to Pirapaharan's 8 gives 13- the double number of the name Velupillai Prabhakaran !

Also, 4 is his fate number (1+3=4).

Third day, on the day of the assassination of Rajiv, Pirapaharan was 34 years and 177 days old (34+177=211. And 2+1+1=4) Number 4 is his fate number.

Ominous similarities between the assassination of Rajiv and Premadasa:-

As in the case of Rajiv, the former Sri Lankan President Premadasa was also assassinated in the month of May.

Rajiv was assassinated on 21.5.1991.
Addition of the numbers gives 28

Premadasa was assassinated on 1.5.1993. Addition of these numbers also gives 28 (1+5+1+9+9+3=28)

On the day of the assassination of Premadasa, Pirapaharan was 36 years and 157 days old. Addition of these numbers gives 193, which adds up to 4! (1+9+3=13. Again, 1+3=4).

Again, consider the dates of the two assassinations, Rajiv Gandhi and Premadasa were assassinated within a period of 1 year and 346 days, which gives 347. The numbers added gives 14, which adds up to 5. Now add 5 to Pirapaharan's 8. The result is 13- occult number of Velupillai Prabhakaran .

What is in the Womb of the destiny for Pirapaharan?

We have already seen that numbers 3,4 and 8 are very crucial in Pirapaharan's life . Out of these, numbers 4 and 8 are more prominent. Also 8 is the double of 4.

Addition of 3,4 and 8 makes 15. Mutually shifting the figures we get 51. Hence, age 51 is very crucial for Pirapaharan.

Similarly, age 53 is also crucial, since it adds up to 8.

Elam cannot be carved out!

Number 18 is held by all the three names- Velupillai Pirapaharan, Sri Lanka and Eelam. Numerologically, number 18 is a highly calamitous one.

The names Kashmir, Mumbai and Myanmar etc. hold the name number 18.

Numbers 1 and 8 are mutual enemies. That is why number 18 is dreadfully dangerous. Addition of 1 and 8 gives 9. Number 9 stands in symbolism to the planet Mars. Mars represent war, upheaval and conflict etc.

So, there is possibility of intermittent war in Sri Lanka, especially because number 18 is held by all the three names.

The possibility achieving Elam is rather dim.

Pirapaharan can make or mar his future, because, his determination is much stronger.

Time too late to take a decision:-

Since number 8 has two extremes, he can turn a new leaf in his life and preach for peace. Thus he can be a twinkling star. If not, he will have to commit suicide by consuming Potassium Cyanide a 16-letter-name, equivalent to the occult number of LTTE!

So the million -dollar question is not whether he can, but whether he will!

- Asian Tribune -

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