Tuesday, September 18, 2007


It is quite clear that war on terrorism can never be won by the military might.Instead of spending multi-million-dollars to capture Osama,dead or alive,those in the helm of affairs should explore various possibilities of capturing the hearts of the people concerned.But,alas,for that a Mahatma Gandhi is yet to be born again!
As an amateur numerologist,I have made an extensive and in-depth study on the influence of numbers 2 and 7 on President Bush and President Pervez Musharraf.
It is seen that numbers 2 and 7 are generally lucky for both of them-especiallyin the year 2007. But,from my extensive studies, I have found that some times lucky numbers turn out to be unlucky.
For instance,the death of Karl Marx,Indira Gandhi and Princess Diana etc occurred on the respective lucky day of each of them!
But the chances of lucky numbers taking the role of villains are comparatively less.But,considering this fact and role of certain historical factors ,I wish to warn that both Bush and Musharraf should be cautious in their pursuit to eliminate terrorism.SO,THE BIG QUESTION IS-WHETHER OSAMA WILL BE OBLITERATED?OR,WHETHER BUSH BE AMBUSHED AND PERVEZ PERISHED?

SO,it is a fight with equal force-at least in the numerological sense.
Detailed analysis:-
The US President GEORGE W BUSH is now 61-year-old.The age is very important in his life.Why?Because,61 adds up to 7(6+1=7).
Believe it or not,numbers 2 and 7 have immensely influenced the scheme of things in the life of President George W Bush.Please see the details:-
1)The name 'George W Bush' contains 11 lalphabets.Eleven adds up to two(1+1=2).
2)He first became President in the election conducted in the year 2000(2+0+0+0=2).
3)September 11 terrorist attack.
4)For the second time ,he became President in the election held on November 2,2004.
5)He is the 2nd US President from his family.
1)The name 'George W Bush' begins with the 7th alphabet 'G'.
2)He is the 43rd (4+3=7)US President.
3)He was first elected in the November 7 US Presidential election.
4)Before that,he had appointed his Presidential Exploratory committee on March 7,1999.
5)His twin daughters were born on November 25(2+5=7),1981.
6) The November 7 US Presidential election was challenged in the court.Subsequently,7 Judges of the US Supreme Court pronounced the verdict ,observing that there was no need to recount the votes cast in the state of Florida. .Interestingly,there were 25(2+5=7)Electoral College Members in the state of Florida!
7) America started war against Afghanistan on October 16(1+6=7),2001.
Then,why this influence of numbers 2 and 7?
The reason is fully attributed to his name number 47,which adds up to 2.The name number is arrived at by adding together the occult number of each alphabet of the name as shown below:-
George W Bush=g+e+o+r+g+e+w+b+u+s+h=3+5+7+2+3+5+6+2+6+3+5=47(4+7=11.Further adding,1+1=2).
Numbers 2 and 7 are highly inter-related.Number 7 is influential to a person influenced by number 2.Similarly,a person influenced by number 7 is influenced by number 2-That is why numbers 2 and 7 are exerting tremendous influence on President Bush.

These names are 'Osama' and 'Al-qaeda'!!
Quite notably,the name number of Osama and alqaeda are same.That means that alqaeda has unalloyed dedication to Osama!
Numerologically,number 16 is a horrible and highly potential number.Take the case of LTTE.This name holds the number 16,as shown below:-
Significantly,the name number of Bush also is 16!
What message does it convey?Surely it means that it is not easy for Bush to eliminate Osama or alqaeda!Because,at least in the numerological sense,President Bush and Osama are equally mighty!
Apart from the fact that President Bush is now 61-year-old,another striking point is that he is now in the 7th year of his Presidency( 6 year completed)
Since number 7 is very prominent for him,does it give the hint that he will be President for only seven years?Or,in other words,will he not complete the full term?
Here,let us note the name numbers of two former American Presidents.
The name number of Abraham Lincoln is 43,which adds up to 7.Plese see that he was the 16th US President (1+6=7).Similarly the name number of John F Kennedy is 53,which adds up to 8(5+3=8).Incidentally,he was the 35th US President(3+5=8).
The name number of Carl Lewis is 27,which adds up to 9(2+7=9).He won 9 Olympic medals..
The birth number of Indian political party-the BJP-is 6.It ruled India for a period of 6 years.
Then,what is in the womb of destiny for President Bush?Does he,numerologically,face any danger from Osama and al-qaeda?
In this circumstance,let us see some phenomenon of the history.If we analyse events that occurred at an interval of 9 years or multiple like 18,27,36,45 etc,it is possible to deduce that the most dramatic events happened at these times.
For example,Indira Gandhi first became Indian Prime Minister in 1966.In 1975,that is after 9 years,she declared Emergency Rule in India.After another 9 years-in 1984-she was assassinated.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948.Plese see that Indira Gandhi was assassinated after 36 years(multiple of 9).
Phenomenon of history is not exclusively confined to number 9 or multiples like 18,27,36,45 etc.There are other pemutations and combinations.
Take the case of Saddam.His case can be discussed thus:-
Birth year=1937
Adding the numbers(1+9+3+7)=20
Now add 20 with 1937.Then we get 1957.It was in 1957 that Saddam joined the Revolutionary Party.Again,add the numbers in 1957(1+9+5+7)=22.Adding 22 to 1957 we get 1979.What is the significance of 1979?Saddam became President of Iraq in 1979!
Now add the numbers in 1979(1+9+7+9)=26.Adding 26 to 1979 we obtain 2005.See that Saddam's trial on charges related to the 1982 killing of 148 shiates in the town of Dujail began in2005!!
Let me cite another case .President Bashir Gemayil of Lebanon was assassinated in 1982.Adding the numbers(1+9+8+2)we get 20.Adding 20 to 1982 we obtain 2002.Again adding the numbers(2+0+0+2)we get 4.Now,2002 plus 4 equals 2006.Strangely,the nephew of Gemayil-Lebanon's Industry Minister Pierre Gemayil- was assassinated in 2006!
See yet another case .India's first Prime Minister Nehru passed away in 1964.Adding the numbers(1+9+6+4)=20.Addition of 1964 and 20 gives 1984.It was in 1984 that the then Prime Minister of India,Indira Gandhi,was assassinated(Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Nehru).
Now coming back to America let us note that John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.Adding 45 (multiple of 9)we get 2008.Another important point is that Kennedy was assassinated by Oswald.That his name begins with the letter'O' is very striking.Because,presently President Bush faces the greatest threat from Osama.What's in a letter and how does it influence history ,you may ask.Again,let me cite history.
The two general elections in India-1977 and 2004-were strikingly similar in certain respects.Morarji Desai was elected Prime Minister after the election in 1977.After the election in 2004,Manmohan Singh was elected Prime Minister.The names of the two Prime Minister begin with the letter'M'(there is a gap of 27 years-multiple of 9-between the two elections).
President Musharraf is the most important aide of Bush in their fight against terrorism.QUITE INTERESTINGLY NUMBERS 2 AND SEVEN ARE ATTRIBUTED TO THIS FRIENDSHIP!
Let us make a brief numerological study on Musharraf.

What is in the womb of the fate for Pervez Musharraf?Will the current year witness his down fall?Or,has destiny already determined to dethrone him in the year 2007?
I wish to answer these questions as per my limited numerological knowledge.
The brief study is based on the following.
1)Influence of numbers 2 and 7.
2)Influence of number 8.
3)Hidden dangers faced by certain people born in the month of August(the 8th month from January)

He was born on August 11,1942.All persons born on 2,11,20 or 29 of any month have birth number 2.
Besides,the name number of Pervez Musharraf is 65,which adds up to 2.
p+e+r+v+e+z+m+u+s+h+a+r+r+a+f=8+5+2+6+5+7+4+6+3+5+1+2+2+1+8=65.Further adding,6+5=11Again adding,1+1=2.
Number 7 is highly influential to those influenced by number 2 and vice-versa.Numbers 2 and 7 are part and parcel of 2007!
The military operation in the Lal Masjid was on the day when he was 64 years and 334 days old.See that the number adds up to 2(64+334=398.Further adding,3+9+8=20.Again adding,2+0=2).
It was reported that Musharraf had previously escaped 'twice' from assassination attempt within a period of 11 days!
The latest in the series-in a major blow to Musharraf,the Pakistan supreme Court on July 20(2+0=2) reinstated Chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry sacked by Musharraf .
Now,let us consider his fate number.Fate number is obtained by adding together the numbers of the birth date,month and year.That is,11+8+1942=1961.Further adding,1+9+6+1=17.Number 17 gives 8(1+7=8).Therefore,the fate number of Musharraf is 8.
Interestingly,It is now the 8th year since Musharraf has captured power my military might.
It is seen that certain people born in the month of August are prone to dangers from unexpected quarters or are terribly cheated at certain point of time.For example,Former US President Clinton(born on August,19) was horribly harassed by sexual scandal .Again,former Indian Prime Minister,Rajiv Gandhi(born on August 20) was assassinated by a human bomb.
So,coming to a conclusion,the following hints are obtained:-
1)Since numbers 2 and 7 are prominent in his life the year 2007 is very crucial for Musharraf.
2)That he is passing through his 65th year adds importance to the above fact.He will turn 65 on August 11,2007.Number 65 is very crucial for him since it adds up to 2(6+5=11.Further adding,1+1=2)
3)His fate number 8 is also decisive in his career.He has already completed 7 years in office and is now in the 8th year.
So,summing up,certain events are likely to take place that will either make or mar Musharraf.
Also,it is to be noted that what is in store for Musharraf will also seriously affect Pakistan.Because,as in the case of Musharraf,numbers 2 and 7 are decisive for Pakistan also.This is due to the fact that the name number of Pakistan is 25,which adds up to 7(2+5=7).
Besides,the historical factors mentioned in the case of Bush are equally important in Musharraf's case also.

It is to be noted that Pakistan was partitioned in 1971-due to the formation of Bangladesh.The year 2007 is after 36 years(multiple of 9).Read this with the historical phenomenon earlier mentioned by me.

Thus,the year 2007 is very crucial not only to Musharraf but also to Pakistan!This will continue so till August 11,2008-when Musharraf turns 66.

Thus the following hints are obtained:-
Numbers 2 and 7 are highly influential for both Bush and Musharraf.So,the year 2007 is crucial for both.Beside,the period upto July 6,2008 and August 11,2008 are crucial for Bush and Musharraf respectively(the day each of them turning 62 and 66 respectively).These numbers can make or mar them.

In this context it is to be admitted that numbers 2 and 7 are generally the lucky numbers of both Bush and Musharraf,as seen from various instances.But from my extensive research it is seen that some times lucky numbers turn out to be unlucky also.But the chances are few..As an example of lucky number bringing misfortune,let me point out that Princess Diana was killed in a car accident and Indira Gandhi assassinated on their lucky days!
That means that Bush and Musharraf cannot turn a blind eye to unexpected trash of fate.Additionally,certain historical factors mentioned earlier are also to be taken into account.
.However,let me frankly submit that God alone knows what will exactly happen!As a numerologist,,I am only giving a hint.
In this circumstance,let me submit that I had made predictions about Bush,as furnished below:-
1)Bush will be elected President in the November 7 US Presidential election(The Hindu daily-October 19,2000 and The New Indian Express daily -October 30,2000)
2)Bush will be the ultimate loser in the ongoing Iraq uprising .(The New Indian Express-December19,2003).In this I had predicted thus:-”The name number of Saddam is 17 which signifies immortality.An immortal Saddam who lives in the hearts of millions of his well-wishers would be a perpetual threat for the US President.Also the name number of Saddam Hussein is 45 which signifies that he is a fighter and warlord”
“The US would be bogged down in Iraq,as in Vietnam,and the upsurge would never end if Saddam is to be executed.The US would have to face stiff resistance from most of the Muslim countries of the world”.
However,it is humbly submitted that another prediction of mine on President Bush-that he will not be elected President for the second time- was proved incorrect.
About me:-I am a 55-year-old amateur numerologist,passionately involved with the studies on the influence of numbers on famous people.Many of my findings and predictions have been got published in various news papers.The entire details about me are available from the internet. For this,kindlysearch just this:-damodaran 17 numerology.

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