Tuesday, September 18, 2007


WILL WILLIAM WED KATE IN 2008 ? ( Numerological Prediction )

Kate Middleton was once reported to be the steady girl friend of Prince William. It is not exactly known whether they are still having the same sentiments.
Whatever it may be, it is immensely interesting to numerologically examine whether William will wed Kate in the year 2008 .

Why 2008 ?
From my extensive numerological research for 20 years, I have come to an irresitable conclusion that important or identical events are likely to take place in a period of 9 years or multiples of 9 ( 18,27,36.......). This is applicable to individuals/ family/nation etc.

For example, Indira Gandhi was first elected Prime Minister of India in 1966. She declared Emergency Rule in 1975. She was assassinated in 1984.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. Indira Gandhi's assassination was after 36 years.
Fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie in 1989. The year 2007 is eventful for him ( 1989 + 18 = 2007 ).
Coming back to William, his parents were married in 1981. So, there is powerful posssibility of a marriage in the family in 2008 (1981 + 27 = 2008 ).

William and 2008
The occult number of the name William is 19 which adds up to 1 ( 1+9 = 10 . Further adding , 1+ 0 =1 ). Similarly, the year 2008 represents 1 ( 2+0+0+8=10 , 1+0=1 ). Hence the year 2008 is significant for Prince William.

Similarities between Diana and Kate:-
The occult number ( name number ) of Diana is 12. Similarly, the name Kate carries the occult number 12. How the numbers are arrived at is shown below:
d + i + a + n + a = 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 12
k + a + t + e = 2 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 12

Conclusion :
Prince William is most likely to get married in 2008.The numerological possibility of Kate being the Princess cannot be ruled out.
Charles and Camilla
Prince Charles was born in 1948. His name number is 22
c + h + a + r + l + e + s = 3 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 22

1948 plus 22 gives 1970. Astonishingly, Charles first met Camilla in 1970 !
1970 adds up to 17 ( 1 + 9 + 7+ 0 = 17 ). Surprisingly, 17 is the date of birth of Camilla !

E-mail : cheneppurath@gmail.com
Those who are interested can read my findings and predictions by searching this in the google: damodaran 17 numerology


It was in May 1999. I prepared a detailed write-up predicting that NUMBER 13 WAS LUCKY FOR VAJPAYEE AND THAT HE WOULD RETURN AS PRIME MINISTER AFTER THE 13TH LOK SABHA (Indian Parliament) ELECTION.

But no English daily Journalist was prepared to accept my prediction. Then, I contacted M.K.Das, retired Resident Editor, The new Indian Express. He advisd me to submit the write-up to Manoj Kumar, Sonthalia, Managing Editor, The New Indian Express and try my luck.

Accordingly I submitted the write-up to Manoj Kumar Sonthalia would be accepted. Because at that time, I was not known much as a numerologist.

But, God blessed me. This time it was through Manoj Kumar, Sonthalia. My prediction was published in ' The New Indian Express'
May 17, 1999 under the headline

Ia owe a lot to Manoj Kumar Sonthalia

E-mail:Cheneppurath @gmail.com
PH.0490 2485193.


Ona July 31,2007I retired as a Kerala Govt.Employee from the office of the Dist.Collector & Dist.Magistrate, Kannur, Kerala. Normally, it is the time for me to lead a retired life.
Frankly speaking, eventhough I am retired I am not tired. Mentally, I am child-like.

Now I can concentrate more in my numerological research.

M.K.Das changed my life!

Has any Editor ever changed the life of an ordinary Government Servant?
What happened in my life is exactly that!

On Nov.7, 1990 the Indian Govt. headed by Prime Minister, V.P.Singh was voted out. After carefully reading some dailies I understood that V.P.Singh was immensely influenced by Number 7.

Immediately I wrote a letter to the Editor. The Indian Express, under the headline 'V.P.Singh and number 7' Luckily for me , M.K.Das Resident Editor, came to see my letter. He was so pleased with the letter, that he used it in his weekly column. Thus, on November 19, 1990 he wrote about my findings under the headline ' Mystical or Mythical'. Not only that, he wrote a letter to ne appreciating my findings.

Ia cannot, even now, express the joy in words. Actually, the ' letter from the Editor worked wonders with me! I still value the as the most important.

I first saw M.K.Das in 1998 only. He is a well known Jornalist.
But what attracted me more than any thingelse. Is his sense of humour.
In fact, I humbly hope that it was his broad mindedness and sence of humour that prompted him to write a letter to an unimportant person like me.

His letter dramatically and funamentally changed the course of my life.

So, my case is unique. A letter from the Editor made Magical effect . If I had not received his letter, I would not heve become a noted numerologist!


On March 3, 2007, THE ASIAN TRIBUNE carried my prediction on Hillary Clinton. On the same day, K.T.Rajasingham e-mailed a letter to me intimating the fact. He also imformed that he had instructed his US correspondent to get in touch with Hillary Senate office and pass on the news item!

On August 15, THE ASIAN TRIBUNE published my article:”Velupillai Pirapaharan- a hero or a big zero?

Without an iota of exaggeration and ego, let me most humbly submit that the above two articles have evoked keen international interest.

So, I am obliged to express my deepest gratitude to K.T.Rajasingham. Indeed, his timely helps have boosted my morale. Really, Rajasingham has raised me to unexpe ted level .

Infact, for me, he is a God sent Editor!

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